Antoni Nowaczewski


The NUTS – BEAN Antoni Nowaczewski company is located in the area of the largest bean plantations, in Kułakowice Pierwsze, Hrubieszów poviat, Lublin voivodship.
The company, owned by Antoni Nowaczewski, has been buying, sorting, packing and selling various types of beans and nuts since 2016.
Our products come from Polish producers, they are sorted using modern optical technology and prepared according to the orders and needs of the customer. We aim to fulfill each order within 14 days, in quantities from 1 to 24 tons.
In the summer season we also buy soft fruits, such as fallen apples, elderberries.
We also sell field pea, vetch, mustard and lupine seeds.

Antoni Nowaczewski

In our offer

We buy walnuts and hazelnuts, shelled and unshelled. We will buy any quantity. We offer pick-up services, payment in cash or bank transfer. Good price.


We buy and sell beans. We offer good prices and immediate payments to agricultural producers from all over the country. We are open to all possibilities of price negotiations – we try to adapt our offer to the individual needs of customers. We guarantee fast and timely receipt of goods – we reach every type of customer.

Our offer includes among others: red beans, Jaś Karłowy beans, Hansel beans, Igołomska beans.

The sorter allows the separation of loose materials of various fractions by color. It distinguishes not only basic colors, but also their shades as well as defects and stains. Sorters are equipped with high-resolution cameras from which the signal is transmitted to the pneumatic ejectors. Depending on the type they are perfect for sorting plastics and materials intended for consumption.

In the summer season, i.e. since August, we have been buying fruit, i.e. apples fallen, elderberries. We collect any quantity of the fruit from any customer. Cash payment. Possibility to set up a collection point at the location of fruit producers.

Purchase and sale of seeds: field pea, vetch, mustard, lupine, phacelia


Opening hours